UNO R3 Project Advanced Starter Kit with Tutorial for Arduino -

UNO R3 Project Advanced Starter Kit with

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Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board ( often referred to as a microcontroller ) and a piece of software, or IDE ( integrated development environment ) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board. For the reason of open source, the manufacture of Arduino boards and software distribution by anyone is permitted. Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do-it-
yourself ( DIY ) kits.

Main Features
• Free PDF tutorial ( more than 22 lessons ) and video tutorial in a nice CD
• The most economical way to starting Arduino programming for those beginners who are interested
• High-quality kite with UNO R3, 100 percent compatible with Arduino UNO R3
• 100 percent compatibility with official Arduino software, sensors and codes
• LCD dervo motor dot matrix breadboard LED basic element pack

Package Contents:
1 x UNO Board, 1 x Development Expansion Board, 1 x Breadboard, 1 x LED Emitter Kit ( 5pcs Red / 5pcs Blue / 5pcs Yellow ), 5 x 10K Resistor, 5 x 1K Resistor, 8 x 220R Resistor, 1 x 74hc595, 2 x Buzzer, 1 x Digital Tube ( 1digit ), 1 x Digital Tube ( 4digit ), 10 x Push Button Switch, 3 x Light Dependent Resistor, 1 x Adjustable Resistor, 1 x LM35 Temperature Sensor, 1 x 1602 LCD Display, 1 x PS2 Joystick, 1 x Stepping Motor, 1 x Stepping Motor Driver Board, 1 x Steering Engine, 1 x RGB Module, 65 x Breadboard Cable, 10 x Dupont Line, 1 x 2.54mm Pin Header, 1 x Flame Sensor, 1 x Infrared Receiver, 1 x USB Cable,1 x Remote Control, 1 x Battery Case
Mainly Compatible with: Ardunio
Architecture: Arduino
Package weight: 0.585 kg
Package Contents: 1x Starter Kit for Arduino

UNO R3 Project Advanced Starter Kit with Tutorial for Arduino

UNO R3 Project Advanced Starter Kit with Tutorial for Arduino

UNO R3 Project Advanced Starter Kit with Tutorial for Arduino

UNO R3 Project Advanced Starter Kit with Tutorial for Arduino

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